Wind Energy 360° - Operational aspect of wind power Seminaari


In two days you'll learn a lot about wind power: market, rules and roles, turbine systems, different makes and models, loads and risks, and also efficient operational strategies. Speakers have best level experience in industry and real life examples. Large amount of time is allocated for networking. 

There has been construction boom of windpower in Finland and numbers keep rising. This shows also in ranks of people working in industry. Not only developers and designers, but operation managers, service supervisors and team leaders. This seminar is aimed for new professionals and people who are shifting to operational part.

Book your seat and step into most intresting part of wind power!

Early bird discount 980 eur +(VAT), until 30.9.2024 monday, 1.10.2024 normal Price is 1250 eur+(VAT)


Content of the training

 Windpower globally, Wind power in Finland

  • Market situation, history and trends
  • Main challenges, transition and China factor 

Loads created by wind
Wind turbine’s main components

  • Loads affecting turbines in operation, short and long term stresses
  • Main components and configuration options

Grid code & reserve power market  

  • EU market, special features in Finland
  • New market for reactive power, frequency and power reserves
  •  Remote control functions, costs and benefits.

Turbines in Finland 

  • Review of all main turbine types available in Finland

Profit generation, stakeholders

  • Different power supply contracts, incentives and compensations 
  • Different stakeholders, their re quirements and motives .


  • Definitions, exclusions

Operation of winfarms 

  • Stakeholders & roles
  • Functions 
  • Responsibilities

Safety in wind turbines 

  • Roles and responsibilities 
  • Risks & management
  • Training and supervision 

Systems in turbines

  • Detailed review of all main systems and related problems
  • Maintenance works 

Maintenance strategies

  • Proactive vs. reactive maintenance
  • different levels of maintenance
  • Efficient maintenance
  • Networking
    *during the day

Who is the training suitable for?

This seminar is aimed for new professionals and people who are shifting to operational part.

  • Wind farm employees
  • municipal decision-makers
  • owners and financiers of wind turbines
  • those who are responsible for maintenance
  • those who are responsible for use
  • thoese who are responsible for occupational safety
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Jukka Kauppinen

Jukka Kauppinen

Chief Engineer, kouluttaja, voimalaitosala
Margit Ojanen

i Ask for a quote

Margit Ojanen

koulutussuunnittelija, sähkö- ja automaatio, hissitutkinto

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