Vocational Qualification in Logistics, Competence area of Intralogistics Perustutkinto


Ready to launch your career in logistics? Taitotalo offers an exceptional opportunity with a vocational qualification in logistics, focusing on intralogistics in English.

Are you interested in becoming a logistics professional and looking to kickstart your career? Study logistics at Taitotalo! Taitotalo offers an exceptional opportunity with a vocational qualification in logistics, focusing on intralogistics. This qualification lays a solid foundation for successful careers in warehousing, picking and terminal operations.

Once you have completed your qualification, you will be familiar with different collection methods, storage solutions and goods transport equipment. You will be able to work independently, customer-oriented and efficiently while following the regulations and rules of your field.

Who is the vocational qualification suitable for?

Candidates must be physically and mentally and otherwise suitable for the industry. English language skills must be at least at competence level B1.1. You should have good working knowledge and be able to work independently and as part of a team.

Suitable candidates will be invited to an interview and entrance test in week 41.

Completion of the vocational qualification

Form of training

The training includes contact instruction and online learning, as well as on-the-job training. The on-site classes are held Mon-Fri from 9 am to 4 pm and the workplace training takes place during normal working hours.

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Student story
Kun it-alalla työskennellyt 29-vuotias Janne Kahila ei työllistynyt, hän haki Taitotalon ja TE-palveluiden yhteistyössä järjestämään logistiikka-alan koulutukseen.– En saanut töitä, joten päätin kokeilla jotain ihan muuta. Huomasin koulutuksen, jonka tavoitteena oli työllistyminen varastoalalle. Hain ja pääsin koulutukseen, Janne sanoo.
Janne Kahila pakkaa varastossa tuotetta. Hän laittaa pahvilaatikon päälle pakkausteippiä.
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