Taitotalo Brings Finnish Practical Nurse Expertise to China Uutinen

Taitotalo has signed an agreement with the Chinese educational institution, Beijing CAJ Senior Care Co., Ltd, to export the contents of practical nurse training to China.


Sopimuskumppanit Beijing CAJ Senior Care, Wellbridge Ltd ja Taitotalo

The newly signed agreement covers seven different online training modules used in practical nursing studies. The extent of the material is illustrated by the fact that completing the modules will take approximately two years. The training will be carried out in collaboration with the Beijing-based institution and partner Wellbridge Ltd. The Chinese partners will recruit the students. The institution will ensure the application of learned skills in practice and arrange internships for the students. The substantive expertise will come from Taitotalo.

The CEO of Wellbridge Ltd, Ms. Ulla Nurmenniemi, and the Partner of CAJ Senior Care, Ms. Zhang Zhenxiu, signed the agreement.
Taitotalo's CEO, Ms. Leena Munter, signed the agreement. The signing ceremony was also attended by Sales and Marketing Director, Mr. Nuutti Manninen.

Growing Need for Quality Elderly Care in China

The goal for the Chinese partners is to modernize the quality of their elderly care services, and to meet this need, they are acquiring expertise from Finland. Finnish healthcare expertise is highly valued in China. Finnish education is internationally renowned for its high quality. Moreover, Finland's country brand is well respected in China.

Traditionally, elderly Chinese have been cared for by their own families. However, today, more and more families lack the resources or expertise to care for their aging parents. Increasingly, elderly individuals are living outside the immediate family circle. Professional healthcare staff, in addition to facilities and equipment, are needed for elderly care.

The Chinese are also interested in the possibility that the training could open opportunities for further studies in Finland and for completing a basic degree in social and health care. Such a degree would allow the Chinese to work as practical nurses in Finland, provided they also complete Finnish language studies and achieve sufficient language proficiency.

The contract ceremony culminated with a toast, with participants on both sides connected remotely.

Taitotalo's Strong Expertise Convinced the Chinese Partner

Taitotalo's CEO, Ms. Leena Munter, is delighted with the new agreement.

– Through this agreement, Chinese students will gain access to internationally respected Finnish education. The training exported to China corresponds in content to Finland’s basic degree in social and health care, although it does not include a practical nursing degree, says Leena Munter.

Ms. Leena Munter believes that the agreement with the Chinese partner was reached because Taitotalo, as Finland's largest provider of adult vocational education, has the ability to deliver high-quality expertise efficiently. The Chinese partner is a large, non-profit organization, just like Taitotalo.

Sales and Marketing Director, Mr. Nuutti Manninen, notes that Taitotalo now has an excellent opportunity to engage in high-quality educational export in a large and growing market.

Ms. Leena Munter and Mr. Nuutti Manninen participated in the ceremony from Taitotalo via remote connection. The event was also attended by members of AEL-Amiedu Oy's board, Ms. Riikka Heikinheimo from the Confederation of Finnish Industries EK and Mr. Erkki Lavonsalo from STTK ry.

Partnership Emerged Through International Collaboration

The agreement was facilitated by Ulla Nurmenniemi, a healthcare trade consultant in China from Wellbridge Ltd. The ceremonial signing of the agreement was also attended by Olli Suominen, Senior Specialist for Higher Education and Research at the Finnish Embassy in Beijing. Several dozen Chinese education experts were present at the event.


In the main image of the article, holding the signed agreement are Wellbridge Ltd’s CEO Ulla Nurmenniemi on the left and Partner of CAJ Senior Care, Zhang Zhenxiu on the right. In the back row from the left, witnessing the signing, are the President of the China Home Service Association, Ms. Wang Shuxia; Education and Science Counselor of the Finnish Embassy, Mr. Olli Suominen; the event’s keynote speaker, Professor Wu Yushao; Chief inspector of the Beijing Municipal Health Commission, Ms. Wang Xiaoe; and the Founder of CAJ Senior Care, the deputy chair of the Chinese Society for Technical and Vocational Education, Ms. Yao Li.


For More Information

Leena Munter, CEO
+358 50 336 0842, leena.munter@taitotalo.fi

Nuutti Manninen, Sales and Marketing Director
+358 20 746 1690, nuutti.manninen@taitotalo.fi